Friday, March 27, 2009

Brown Rice Asparagus Risotto

Do you associate the word "risotto" with guilt? In my opinion, we should never feel guilty about what we eat. Now, if I'm being honest, that's more an ideal than a reality sometimes...but if we can embrace a life filled with healthy foods--whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fishes--and we eat those things most of the time, then indulgences like risotto (or any number of delectibles) should just bring feelings of pleasure and satisfaction! But let's be honest...when we 'indulge' so rarely, we start to miss some of our favorites. Well, this dish is my answer to that dilemma. This risotto has the texture, the flavor, and the great mouth-feel of your standard risotto, but is not laden with butter, cream, and rich cheese. Plus you have the great benefits of whole-grain brown rice instead of white rice. I encourage you to learn the technique I use in this recipe, and then replace the asparagus with whatever beautiful and organic produce is in season and that appeals to you. I think I'll be trying this one with fresh peas for Easter!

3 Tablespoon butter
1 cup short-grain brown rice
6 cups chicken stock
1 lb asparagus, trimmed
1 oz goat cheese
Salt and pepper

1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Salt generously. Put the asparagus in the pot and boil for 3 minutes (or until tender enough to be easily blended but not at all mushy). Put 2/3 of the asparagus in the blender with 1/4 cup of the cooking liquid and blend. Put the other 1/3 of the asparagus under cold water or in an ice bath (to retain the green color).

2. Heat a large sautee pan over medium-high heat. Add 1 Tablespoon butter. When butter is melted, add rice. Coat the rice with the butter. Add 1 cup stock. (You should hear a sizzle...if you don't, turn the heat up). Cook, stirring constantly, until the liquid is almost gone. Add another cup of stock. Continue this process until you have used up all your stock.

3. At this point, you will have created great flavor and a creamy texture, but because brown rice takes longer to cook than arborio rice (white short-grain rice), it is still much too firm to eat. So, now we will steam it the rest of the way. Add 1/2 cup water and cover. Turn heat to medium-low and leave for 10 minutes. (Don't lift the lid during this process).

4. Take off the cover and if there's any more water, cook it off. Add the rest of the butter. Add the asparagus puree and gently cook, stirring. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the goat cheese. Cut the cold asparagus into small pieces and add that to the pot. Stir, combining all the flavors, warming the asparagus and the cheese, and letting all the flavors meld. After a few minutes, take off the heat and serve immediately.

Serves 4.

Printable version here.

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